We apologize for any inconvenience caused, but due to a technical issue with our website, online ordering is temporarily unavailable. To place your order, please contact our store directly at 9547 7879. Our team will be happy to assist you over the phone. Thank you for your understanding and patience.
Category: Uncategorized
Easi delivery app has been sold to hungry Panda you will be able to find us in Hungry Panda and order from there.
During this Pandemic, constant staff shortages had taken a toll on all current staff. So, we have decided to close every Tuesday to recuperate. We will take this opportunity to do general repairs, maintenance and house keeping. Thank you for all the support and understanding over the years. The new opening hours; 6 days a …
During the Lockdown #6, from 6/8/2021 we will open for takeaway only until further notice. Delivery from Uber Eats, Doordash and Easi still operate as usual. The lockdown trading hours is, 9am – 8pm 7 days a week.
Hoa Tran will be closed on the 11/2/2021(Thu)& 12/2/2021 (Fri) for the Lunar New Year. Re-open 13/2/2021 (Sat). The Management and Staff wish our patrons to have a prosperous and joyful Lunar New Year.
Please take note that recent weeks UberEats has informed us that they are short of delivery drivers in our areas. Sometimes the order would take longer to be delivered. At times UberEats informed us to turn off/pause our service to stop customers from ordering and then have to cancel later. So if our customers donot …
Currently we have suspended Menulog delvery service. We had received many complaints from customers using Menulog delivery serivce. They slow to pick up the order ranging from 1 to 2 hours even sometimes not even picking up the order until we have to contact them few times. Contacting them for help has been testing our …
Hoa Tran has been featured in the ABC 7:30 Report with Leigh Sales about Victoria’s tough resctictions and lockdowns. the link https://www.abc.net.au/7.30/businesses-across-melbourne-are-getting-ready-to/12815548
Please be noted that if you order through APPS like Menulog, Uber Eats, Doordash and Easi any issues arises with your order. You have to contact them to sort things out. I repeat ANY ISSUES contact them to sort things out. We cannot resolve anything with the order. They have the absolute control and authority …