Broken rice with pork chop, fried egg, shredded pork, egg cake CƠM TẮM ĐẶC BIỆT 越南米碎飯 #30 broken rice with double pork chops CƠM 2 SƯỜN 雙豬扒米碎飯 #31 Crispy chicken with salad & tomato rice CƠM GÀ CHIÊN GIÒN 脆皮雞茄汁飯 #32 Prawn & Crab meat, pineapple fried rice CƠM CHIÊN TÔM CUA KHÓM 鮮蝦蟹肉菠蘿炒飯 #33 special fried rice CƠM CHIÊN DƯƠNG CHÂU 揚州炒飯 #34 diced chicken & salty fish fried rice CƠM CHIÊN GÀ CÁ MẶN 鹹魚雞粒炒飯 #35 king prawn fried rice CƠM CHIÊN TÔM 鮮蝦炒飯 #36 beef fried rice CƠM CHIÊN BÒ 牛肉炒飯 #37 in-house fried rice CƠM CHIÊN HÒA TRÂN 和珍炒飯 #38 hokkien fried rice CƠM CHIÊN PHƯỚC KIẾN 幅建炒飯 #39 vegetarian fried rice CƠM CHIÊN CHAY 齋炒飯 #40 salt & pepper spicy chicken spare ribs with salad & tomato rice CƠM SƯỜN GÀ RANG MUỐI 椒鹽雞扒茄汁飯 #41 salt & pepper spicy king prawns with salad & tomato rice CƠM TÔM RANG MUỐI 椒鹽蝦球茄汁飯 #42 salt & pepper spicy pork spare ribs with salad & tomato rice CƠM SƯỜN HEO RANG MUỐI 椒鹽豬扒茄汁飯 #43 sweet & sour pork with tomato rice CƠM HEO LĂN BỘT SỐT CHUA NGỌT 甜酸排骨茄汁飯 #44 roast duck & bok choy rice CƠM VỊT QUAY 燒鴨飯 #45 BBQ pork & bok choy rice CƠM XÁ XÍU 叉燒飯 #46 stir fried combination with rice CƠM XÀO THẬP CẨM 什會飯 #47 stir fried seafood & vegies with rice CƠM XÀO ĐỒ BIỄN 海鮮會飯 #48 stir fried vegetables & tofu with rice CƠM XÀO RAU CẢI 齋菜會飯 #49 stir fried dice beef/chicken with salad & tomato rice CƠM XÀO BÒ/GÀ LÚC LAC 牛肉/雞肉粒茄汁飯 #50 stir fried lemongrass chilli beef/chicken with rice CƠM BÒ/GÀ XÀO SẢ ỚT 香茅辣椒牛/雞肉飯 #51 stir fried satay beef/chicken & vegies with tomato rice CƠM BÒ/GÀ XÀO SATÉ 沙爹牛肉/雞肉飯 #52 stir fried black bean beef/chicken & bitter melon with rice CƠM BÒ/GÀ XÀO HỦ QUA TÀU XÌ 豉汁涼瓜牛肉/雞肉會飯 #53 stir fried chinese broccoli & beef/chicken with rice CƠM BÒ/GÀ XÀO CẢI RÔ 芥蘭牛肉/雞肉會飯 #54 malaysian style braised beef/chicken with egg gravy rice CƠM BÒ/GÀ XÀO MÃ LAI 馬來式牛肉/雞肉會飯 #55 stir fried black bean beef/chicken & vegies with rice CƠM BÒ/GÀ XÀO TÀU XÌ 豉汁牛肉/雞肉會飯 #56 flame grilled chicken with salad & rice CƠM GÀ NƯỚNG 烤雞飯 #57 salted steamed chicken & bok choy with rice CƠM GÀ HẤP MUỐI 鹽焗雞飯 #58 hainamese style chicken with bok choy rice CƠM GÀ HAI NAM 海南雞飯 #59 steamed chicken with ginger spring onion sauce serve with bok choy & rice CƠM GÀ GỪNG HÀNH 海南雞飯 #60 stewed beef in tomato base with rice CƠM BÒ KHO 牛腩飯 #61 salt & pepper spicy deep fried squid with salad & tomato rice CƠM MỰC RANG MUỐI 椒鹽鮮魷茄汁飯 #62 stir fried lemongrass chilli tofu with salad & rice CƠM ĐẬU HỦ XÀO SẢ ỚT 香茅辣椒豆腐飯 #63 stir fried tofu & vegies black bean with rice CƠM ĐẬU HỦ XÀO TÀU XÌ 豉汁豆腐會飯 #64 king prawn omelette with rice CƠM TÔM CHIÊN TRỨNG 芙蓉蝦飯 #65 combination omelette with rice CƠM THẬP CẨM CHIÊN TRỨNG 什會芙蓉飯 #66 seafood omelette with rice CƠM ĐỒ BIỄN CHIÊN TRỨNG 海鮮芙蓉飯 #67 salt & pepper spicy tofu with salad & tomato rice CƠM ĐẬU HỦ RANG MUỐI 椒鹽豆腐茄汁飯 #68 Pasta stir fried diced beef/chicken with salad NUÔI XÀO BÒ/GÀ LÚC LAC 牛肉/雞肉粒炒通粉 #69 honey chicken/pork in batter with tomato rice CƠM GÀ/HEO XÀO MẬT ONG 蜜糖雞/豬肉飯 #71 WarningImages used in the menu are indicative & for displaying purposes only. Actual dish may vary.Not all ingredients are listed or shown in the dish.Please advise your waiter/waitress if you have food allergy to certain ingredients.Food prepared here may contain eggs, wheat, soybean, peanuts and seafood.Please be noted that prices are GST inclusive & subject to change.